Alaska Cruise
Leaving San Francisco
Day 1, Saturday, June 8, 2002
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Page 2
San Francisco skyline
Fireboat display
The computer's all set up
Diane and our steward Adrian Sotelo Mendez
Ship's deck with flags
Ship's deck with swimming pool
Bill, Elaine and Jim on the movie stage - closeup
Elaine, Jim and Diane on the movie stage
Elaine, Jim and Diane on the movie stage - closeup
Our life jacket drill
The pilot is loaded aboard
Pier 35 - where we were docked
Pilot boat and fireboat
Windsurfers taking their lives in their hands
Bill and Diane
Elaine, Jim and diane on deck
Elaine, Jim and Diane with an SF skyline
Golden Gate Bridge is ahead of us
Jim and Elaine and Alcatraz
Approaching Golden Gate Bridge
Leaving Golden Gate Bridge
Jim, Elaine and Diane
Jim and Elaine
We're on our way!
Diane, Elaine and Jim (Bill right behind) descending stairway to dining.
Our Restaurant
Elaine and Jim head for the Casino on deck fourteen
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